Coupon Code for $ 10 off a $60 purchase to the same address Buy60
Coupon Code for $ 10 off a $60 purchase to the same address Buy60
Once a month we will have a themed tea , serving a menu that represents the theme.
This menu will be available on the special day only.
$50 per person , please book early.
Sunday March 16th - St Patricks Day
Irish lamb stew with fresh soda bread
Scones, jam and cream.
Guinness Cake
Saturday April 19th Easter High Tea.
Scotch Eggs with mustard
Scones with clotted cream,Jam
Hot cross Buns
Mini Chocolate Egg/ Lemon Curd Tarts,Chocolate Mousse
Lemon Pavlova
Sunday May 11th - Mothering Sunday
Quiche - Red Pepper,Cheese,Chive
Sandwich -Salmon And Cucumbers
Scones with clotted cream,Jam/ Lemon Curd
Shortbread - Lemon blueberry
Cake - Lemon Drizzle
Saturday June 14th -Father’s Day
Toad in the hole
Sandwich - Roast Beef
Scones with Clotted Cream,Jam/ Lemon Curd
Strawberry Trifle with 1 Finger of Traditional Shortbread